07 Sep

Ways to lower tour blood pressure.

High blood pressure is often referred to as “the silent killer”. Hypertension (high blood pressure) often leads to heart decease, stroke and even death.

The “normal” blood pressure is usually around 120/80 mm Hg. Today, we’ll review options to get your blood pressure lowered and stay low. Keep in mind that everyone’s different and my “normal” may be different from yours. Know your functional values and talk to your Doctor to get your goal range. Too low of a blood pressure is also a bad thing.

Diet and exercise

We’ve heard this time and time again but making changes to your exercise habits and changing the way you eat is a very good first step.

Foods such as fruits, whole grains, vegetables and foods with omega-3 fatty acids such as fish and avocado can improve your blood pressure. Limiting your salt intake plays an important role as well. Here you can find some sample menus to help, https://mayocl.in/2CXduXP

Decrease your alcohol intake and quit smoking have proven to help lower blood pressure.

If you are overweight, it may be a good idea to lose weight. Exercising helps you burn fat and is great for arterial health. Blue Heron Health  https://bit.ly/2kyEoiA claims thousands of people have benefited from their formulated exercises. Be sure to consult your Doctor before starting any exercise program.

Use of medications

Most persons want to lower their blood pressure the natural way and that’s fine, but the use of medications is beneficial to many. Each work differently; some remove excess sodium/water from your body or may help lower make your heat beat slower and with less force. Your age and other health problems like diabetes may help determine the type of medicine to use. You and your Doctor will need to work together to find the right medicine and the right dosage for you.

Reducing stress

When stressed your body releases stress hormones which cause constricting of blood vessels and raise your heart rate. This causes your blood pressure to rise. Stress management can be a life saver. Try yoga, meditation and get plenty of sleep. Easy said than done, right? Here you may find ways to help make this happen, https://bit.ly/2kaB5y0 . Enjoy life and breathe!

One or two of the options above may work for you, or you make need your own combination. Or none of these may work for you, but I hope you’ll find this useful.

Take care and be kind to yourself!